Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sin Kok Thye / Cathay Restaurant Hainanese Food Port Klang

Location : Sin Kok Thye / Cathay Restaurant Hainanese Food Port Klang
GPS Coordinates : N3 00.065 E101 23.831

Sin Kok Thye situated at Port Klang opposite RHB Port Klang under the overhead bridge. This place famous for its authentic hainanese cooking like chicken chop and fried yee mee.

Just opposite RHB Bank. 

Traditional payment counter. 

Very classic authentic hainan coffee shop.

Many shops like old town and papa rich try to imitate this kind of old school coffee shop.

Home cook barli. Very cooling.

Hainan chicken chop with tomato sauce. Nothing too fancy but just nice for simple lunch. They do not serve pork here and hence popular place for all races to dine here.

Another signature dish the fried yee mee.

Roti toast with kaya and butter.

Coffee or tea.

Giant supermarket not far from Sin Kok Thye.

Walk around the shops nearby after makan to digest the food.

The yellow building is the local market.

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