Monday, January 21, 2013

Thean Hou Temple 天后宫

Location : Thean Hou Temple 天后宫
GPS Coordinates : N3 07.315 E101 41.267

Wide angle shot of the main entrance of Thean Hou Temple.

Red lantern hanging all around the temple.

The lantern will light up beautifully after night fall.

Goddess of mercy ( Guan Yin ).

Worshiper light up their joss stick. 

The candle resemble the lotus flower.

A family affair.

Temple worker cleaning up the joss stick.

Another worker busy at work.

IWhen you kneel the goddess of mercy will release holy water for you.

Quiet please.....

One for the facebook.

Point and shoot....easy..

Pretty girl spotted..

A pretty bride getting register at the temple.

The couple of the day.

Group photo...ladies only.

Nice father and son photo.

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