Friday, August 17, 2012

E Fatwa - Pelaburan Emas Genneva Tak Sah

Another interesting twist for the gold investment leader Genneva as the Fatwa Council recently announced that the Genneva do not fulfill the requirement set out by the council to be syarak compliance. The Fatwa advice the muslim community to avoid and distance from associate with gold investment conduct by Genneva.

It is indeed very challenging for Genneva after recently been in the alert list or some say blacklisted by Bank Negara and also issued a non compliance notice by the E Fatwa. Time will tell how Genneva can survive thru all the negative incidents and build back investor confidence.

An interesting article from the muslim consumer society on comment about Genneva gold investment but more on BNM compliance on BAFIA and AMLA act which is entirely a different issue. 

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