Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bestino Golden House Sdn Bhd Assets Frozen By Bank Negara

Another hot topic today on gold investment read on the local chinese daily Nanyang on Bestino Golden House where its assets frozen by bank negara on counts of suspected money laundering offences. BNM cannot return the frozen money to investor since the case still under court hearing. The director of the company so far promise to return all money to investor after they liquidate certain assets from overseas. According to the director, they are waiting for BNM approval before the funds able to bring in from Hong Kong where BNM issue a contradict statement which refute that claim. Bestino operation model very similar to Genneva Malaysia and previously also raided by BNM on suspected money laundering which still under court hearing. 

Check on the net that Bestino also operate in Singapore under Bestino Golden House (Singapore) Pte Ltd.

Bestino Golden House Singapore Pte Lte Gold Trading Singapore Operation

You can read my previous post on Genneva:


  1. at least the director still around....never cabut...

  2. why the court hearing took so long...should fast forward this case as so many people waiting and suffering. Malaysia court system must improve.

  3. please return the money

  4. I saw on Bank Negara blacklist got the GGF Golden House Sdn Bhd whether is the same person operating?
