Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cheng Hoon Teng Temple @ Melaka

Location : Cheng Hoon Teng Temple @ Melaka
GPS Coordinates : N2 11.850 E102 14.814

On my way walking to Cheng Hoon Teng Temple saw this trishaw carrying 2 tourist to the temple.

Many art galleries and antique shops along the road.

This is the side entrance to the temple.

Convert to HDR.

Interior of the temple.

Many tourist visit this UNESCO heritage site and the oldest chinese temple in Malaysia.

Very detail dragon engraving on the doors.

This bell must be antique also.

I believe this is the tombstone of the past Kapitan of Melaka.

Nice chinese character on the door.

This is the main entrance with security guard.

Beside the main door got some brief history of this temple.

Nice malay kampung house outside the temple.

This is the entrance to the china town Melaka.


  1. nice post... but somehow I quite din remember whether I have already visited that place or not... >_<

  2. I know where's the Malay house! Near Jonker Street right?!

  3. the tombstone that you mentioned is actually the names who donated to the temple, though... i just went there for my assignment... i'm a tourism student, btw~

    nice blog!
