Monday, June 7, 2010

Kampung Sri Aman Lake Puchong

Location : Kampung Sri Aman Lake Puchong
GPS Coordinates : N2 59.131 E101 35.227

A lovely Sunday and decided to come to this Kampung Sri Aman lake to check out the lake and its fishing activities. 

The place is quite shady and a popular hangout for the locals.

I spotted this nice lake side bungalow. Hopefully the lake don't overfill and flooded the nice house.

A small stream beside the lake. 

The community hall. Very good infrastructure around the area.

This person a very serious fisherman. He got 4 rods and not in the mood for conversation.

This area consider as the Clean Zone but I think the local council should take more effort to clean out the rubbish around the area.

You can see rubbish along the lakeside. 

This is not the place for rubbish to sit on.

The serious fisherman already got 3 tilapia in the cage. 

Look at all the rubbish around the guy. 

This big toman fish photo shot by my friend stimix a testimony of the big fishes you can catch in this lake.

A very nice lake to spend your weekend but extra effort have to put in to take care of the environment.

1 comment:

  1. THe place should be proper taken care of to maintain a good environment and prevent from the breed of aedes.. It must be have a strong commitment from the community and fined the people that simply throw the rubbish
