Monday, May 31, 2010

Berjaya Resort Tioman Island

Location : Berjaya Resort Tioman Island
GPS Coordinates : N02 48.540 E104 08.552

We reached the reception area at the Berjaya Resort Tioman Island to check in after taking the free ride from the jetty.

The surrounding near the reception area.

Video footage of the beach near the reception area.

After checking in, we went to our chalet.

The chalet is in front of a small stream.

The view around the chalet.

 Twin single bed sharing. This room cost around Rm400+ but good for me as I don't have to pay a cent for it..

 Another cat spotted lazily lying on the balcony.

I took a stroll on the beach. 

 Nice bench for people to relax and do some sunbathing.

 2 mat salleh enjoying the sun. I just hiding under the shade and preparing for tomorrow snokeling trip.

 The view from the bench.

 The sand not as nice as Redand Island.

 Beautiful sunset.

Getting darker and feeling hungry for dinner. 

 Quite a nice shot using my Nokia N86. Did not bring my DSLR coz too heavy..

 Main dining area.

 Buffet zone.

 Sneak into the hall as there are some function going on and got some live singing.

 The pool area.

The small island at the right side is a main place for snorkeling.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mersing Jetty - Boat Ride To Berjaya Resort Tioman Island

Location : Mersing Jetty - Boat Ride To Berjaya Resort Tioman Island
GPS Coordinates : N2 26.080 E103 50.349
Boat fare : Rm70

After 1 & half hours car ride from Kluang, we reached the Mersing jetty to catch the boat ride to Berjaya Tioman Resort. The cost of the boat ride cost Rm70 plus return.

Pejabat Laut Mersing ( Marine Department ) beside the jetty.

The infomation board.

Many people waiting for the boat to arrive.
Saw this cute kitten and give it a close up.

Last minute rush for the boat ticket. Please book your ticket in advance. The ticket here selling like hot cake.

Feel like a jail bird waiting to release to the open.

This is the cargo ship transporting essential items like petrol, gas tank and food to the island.

View of the jetty.

This small boat use for transporting people to the big boat as low tide preventing the big boat coming in the shallow jetty.

The boat driver. Your life will be partly in his hands while on his boat.

The boat slowly leaving the jetty.

The big boat much bigger and nicer than the boat before.

Travelling at around 35km/h according to my garmin gps.

Reached at Tekek Jetty. This is the last stop for the visitors staying at Berjaya Resort Tioman.

Marine life is abundance here and you can even see corals growing at the jetty.

This vehicle will bring you to the resort FOC. Stay tune for more....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Project Earthworms : How To Recycle Your Mailing Paper

You must have received many letters and promotional documents from the banks or from your telco company. Normally after reading it the letters thrown to the dust bin straight away. I received a lot of these mailing and sometimes took a lot of time sorting it out before disposing it. After much thinking, I feel all these mailing can be recycle in a way by feeding to the earthworms and turn it into earthworms casting. You may ask why not sell it to the newspaper man as some of the info on the letters may be confidential for others to read. So give it a try to save the environment in your own capacity.

First, you compile all the letters from the bank or telco which already read or outdated.
Cut it into pieces so that it can break into smaller pieces when soak in water.

All the cut papers soak into water in a bucket or metal container and left it few days to compost naturally before feeding it to the earthworms. If you have a blender it will be better to break the paper into pieces as it accelerate the compost process as I explained in my previous posting.

Lastly, just spread the paper pieces into your earthworm bin and turn into black gold.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Restaurant Nyonya Imperial Rasa Nyonya @ Bandar Puteri Puchong

Location : Restaurant Nyonya Imperial Rasa Nyonya @ Bandar Puteri Puchong
GPS Coordinates : N3 01.419 E101 37.067
Status : Halal
Ratings : 2.5 stars

There are many restaurants at Bandar Puteri Puchong and this Restaurant Nyonya Imperial quite stand out from others with its 2 storey striking red renovation. This restaurant situated at the corner near the direct selling company Easy Pha-max and should be quite very easy to find.

The menu also uses the red colour theme like the restaurant.

The upper restaurant decorated similarly like the kopitiam style.

The lower floor packed with people but the upper floor seem quiet.

This staircase very European feel.

I feel like eating something spicy and order the Tomyan fried rice. I particularly like the cuttlefish with the rice as it is very fresh.

Fried chicken lobak. Not to my liking as it taste a bit sweet.

Malaysian favourite the Penang fried kuoy tiao. Quite nice as not too oily and the portion also quite a lot. If you looking for something different from kopitiam food @ Bandar Puteri, why not give a try at Nyonya Imperial.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Malaysia Airlines Enrich Redemption @ Subang Airport

Location : Malaysia Airlines Enrich Redemption Office @ Subang Airport
GPS Coordinates : N3 07.749 E101 33.369

Today task was to redeem a RM100 voucher from Malaysia Airlines Enrich program. The redemption centre located near the old Subang terminal 3.

The office not too difficult to locate with the direction given by the office.
Must register at the security first before entering.

You can clearly see the air traffic control tower just beside the redemtion office.
A small sign so you won't get lost.

Finally found it.

You can browse thru the catalog book provided before deciding what item to redeem.
All the items can be found inside the glass cabinet. Not many item to choose from. If you think the selection like supermarket then you are wrong. Not as fancy as I imagine but just a simple setup that can do the job required.