Monday, April 12, 2010

Inside Putrajaya Government Offices

Location : Dataran Putra Putrajaya
GPS Coordinates : N2 56.113 E101 41.466

This sunny weekday morning, I went to Putrajaya for some special project at the government offices. There are some many goverment offices at Putrajaya that you can easily get lost or go to the wrong office. Parking is also an issue here and as the above photo illustrated and you may have to park illegally for a short while...he he...

Block E6 mainly comprise of offices for Ministry of Health.

The securtity lady was nice to let me park at the entrance of the Minitry of Energy, green technology and water. Lucky the minister not around and block his way. 
Entrance to the minister office.

The parking at Ministry of Transport really not adequate and have to park at the yellow line. Luckily never kena saman.

View from the Transport ministry office.

Very hot day outside.

Beautiful architecture.

A nice garden for people to relax and have their lunch.

Entrance of the perdana Putra.

Only VVIP use this entrance.

For normal visitor, you have to use this entrance situated at the side of the building. You have to pass thru a security check area before going into Perdana Putra.

View from inside facing this beautiful garden.


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