Monday, March 8, 2010

Restoran Seri Penang Cyberjaya

Location : Restoran Seri Penang Cyberjaya
GPS Coordinates : N2 55.191 E101 39.545
Ratings 3.5 Stars

Cyberjaya got many nice foods other than my favourite Saba' Arab Cuisine restaurant. One of them will be Restoran Seri Penang situated beside Papa Rich Kopitiam nearby Petronas station. Should not too difficult to find if you follow the above GPS coordinates. The restaurant situated at its own building with 2 floors. Normally will be pack during lunch time that cater for the people working at the nearby offices.

Mybiebie order this ambula juice. Don't know what the taste like but highly recommended.

The menu was very attractive with many food available but with 2 person the choices are limited. We ordered the Hainanese chicken rice and I like the soup a lot. The rice also very fragrant and the chicken also not too bad. The dissappointing part is the chili which taste like from the bottle (which I think so ) and not freshly chili sauce thingy I like.

Malaysian favourite the curry laksa with prawns. Not too spicy and with the mint leaves tasted very nice.The price here will not be cheap as like hawkers but
no harm trying if you nearby.  I will probably come here again and try out other dishes. Til then...


  1. next time bring more people go la...then can order many food...anyway...happy blogging...

  2. looking forward to to go seri penang again..

  3. nk mkn mkanan dari penang xyah pi penang,p je sri penang

  4. bole sy dptkan contact number rest sri penang ni?? tq

  5. Sorry takde nombor contact Restoran Seri penang kat cyberjaya...lain kali pergi akan dapatkan. tq.

  6. salam pd pgemer aym pnyet.. k.ruby @ k.wok iaitu owner wrung aym pnyet d terminal bas cyberjaya tlah kmbali ke pgkuan illahi pd 13 dis 09.. skrg kami tlahpun bpindah d MMU CFC foodcourt c.jaya lbeh kurang stahun yg lalu.. untuk kterangan lnjut anda blh bhubung dgn sy s talian 0196030474
