Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Original Kluang Rail Coffee

Location : The Original Kluang Rail Coffee
GPS Coordinates : N2 01.996 E103 19.056
Ratings : 3 Stars

Wow...came to my childhood coffee shop at Kluang. Famous for its mee siam goreng, nasi lemak bungkus and its roti bakar. For coffee lovers definately must try the famous Kluang coffee. Although many outlets open at Klang valley but nothing beats the original.

Many locals come here for their breakfast.

While waiting for the train why not have a rest and take a cup of nice Kluang coffee. The train schedule can be view on the signage.

This station maintain its original looks since the beginning.

Ticket counter.

Automatic paying machine for the washroom users.

Waiting platform.

A long way home.

Kluang town. The home of the bats.


  1. ha ha I not a coffee lover...just love the mee siam and roti bakar of Kluang train station.

  2. thanks for the Kluang photo...I miss Kluang..I study there around 1994...:)

  3. Automatic paying toilet? :)
    Hmm..first time hana lihat :)
    Oppss sorry:) orang suruh tgk Kluang Train Station, saya tengok toilet :)

  4. take de hal...toilet kat Kluang train station memang special..
