Thursday, December 17, 2009

Touch N' Go Batttle of The Bands Finale 12 Dec 2009

Location : Sunway Pyramid
GPS Coordinates : N3 04.398 E101 36.426

Follow the heavy band music to this area at Sunway Pyramid and notice this christmas tree make from bottles. Very unique.

The loud music lure the crowds and me to this event called Battle Of the Bands organised by Touch n' Go which involved youths and in aid of charity organisation like:
Children’s Wish Society of Malaysia
• Pertubuhan Rumah Amal Cahaya Tengku Ampuan Rahimah (RACTAR)
• Women’s Aid Organisation of Malaysia
• Majlis Kanser Nasional (MAKNA)
• Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)
• Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)

Busy at work.

Band members performing cult ritual to honour the guitar.

Ahhhh......sing louder.

This guy looks like Ekin Cheng from storm warriors or wannebe perhaps.

The one and only lady lead singer in the event.

Emcee for the day.

This band is from UITM Shah Alam.

School of Rock.

This guy got style.

Rocker in the making.

The mist make it more mysterious.

The photographer busy at work.

The crowd seem to enjoying themselves.

I call this head shoot.

Action from side of the stage.

The crew on standby before the next perfomance.

Youth Band Challege. Youth with a cause.

Reggae dude I spotted in the event.

The panel of judges with famous faces like Jason Ko and Hannah Tan.

Hannah Tan sharing a joke with Alda Tan

Alda Tan must be a boring dude from Hannah face.

This guy looks like Kane from the WWE.

Kane can rock.

Ohhhhh....power to the people.


  1. Bro, thanks for attending our event ^^
    MyC! will organize it again next year...

    I updated my blog with the battle of the band d ^^

  2. Ya Feeq, nice pics u have at yr blog. Hope will be even better next yr.
