Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Team Building @ Agrotek Garden Chalets Resort Hulu Langat

Location : Agrotek Resort Hulu Langat
GPS Coordinates : N3 09.774 E101 49.599
Telephone : 03-90216541

The company organised a Team Building programme for the management staff at Agrotek Garden Resort @ Hulu Langat. The place not far from PJ and the trip took around 30 minutes. We arrived around noon at immediately check in our rooms respectively. The room so so only and can accomodate 10 persons. No water heater and aircon sighted and apparently the water is pump from the nearby Sungai Gabai.

Huge banner greeting the visitors promoting the food at the resort.

Nice green scenery around the resort.

This area is designated for group activities.

Clear clean water flowing from the mountains.

Bridge over the Gabai river.

Popular spot among the children to enjoy their day out under the sun and water.

Food was ok and breakfast they serve nasi lemak, malaysian favourite.

This the training conducted at the hall on top of a small hill. Walking up and down the hall to the dining below was a tiring task. Overall was enjoyable and recommended for anyone wanting for a nearby getaway from the KL city.

The night dancing perfomance by the natives ( orang asli ).


  1. macam fun agrotek garden resort hulu langat ini....

  2. mmg sgt. try western food dia. mmg terangkat habes

  3. hye.. company sy nak buat team building kt agrotek garden resort nih.. tp dah try cr website x de laa.. leh bagi no fon agrotek garden resort nih x.?

  4. hi..u boleh call 03-90216541 untuk pertanyaan. tQ.

  5. offc saya nak buat family day kt sini tlg bg senarai nama game utk kanak2 utk bwh 12 thn dengan utk org dewasa...
    boleh bg quatation tak?
    no phone mcm yg kat comennt mybiebie ke?

  6. u boleh call Agrotek Resort direct dgn telephone 03-90216541. Tq.

  7. saya ada call nombor yg tertera tapi xde org angkat lah..betul ke nombor tu?
    saya nak minta qoutation utk family day

  8. klo 1 family jer bole ke try flying fox sume tuh?ke kne dtg rmi2 bru bole?

  9. bagi la no phone yang senang jawa

  10. smalam aku p sana.. tempat mmg best.. kalu nak no tepon, cuba call no. nih..
    016-3613535 (fendy)
    En. Fendy nih manager kat situ..

  11. more info
    Tel: 03-9021 6541 Faks: 03-9021 6514

  12. memang terbaekkk environment kt ctu..staff friendly...x mcm kt langat beb....smlm br g survey...besttt sgt2..

  13. ingat pergi try itu flying fox kat sana...memang shock..harga agak Rm80 seorang tapi boleh nego kalau group..

  14. hi..saya liyana dari mais corporation..anak syarikat majlis agama islam selangor..bole bagi info lengkap n terkini utk family day package???sila hubungi saya di 03-79564560...thanks

  15. how about the fees?make it complete la... it easy for us and your company... make it fast dude... your customer become more2 larger.. .

  16. sorry i not the sales agent for agrotek..all the numbers is listed. You can call them directly.
