Friday, December 25, 2009

Putrajaya Wetlands Park ( Taman Wetland Putrajaya )

Location : Putrajaya Wetland Park ( Taman Wetland Putrajaya )
GPS Coordinates : N2 57.744 E101 41.753

Destination for the day, Taman Wetland Putrajaya. The first man made freshwater wetland and known to be one of the largest in the tropics.

Very colourful banner greeting us highlighting the main attractions available ie. the crane.

Big signboard to help you go around the park.

Pink flamingo.

The quiet surroundings a nice habitate for the flamingo's.

Very colourful animals searching for food.

Man made streams flowing fresh filter water.

This is the water filter maintaining clean water for the flamingo pond.

Tranmission tower disquise as a tree.

Pusat Penghayatan Alam or Nature Interpretation Centre. A very nice building but seem empty. No activity sighted. A white elephant perhaps.

The only thing seem lively is the plant around it.

The Master plan of the Wetlands Park.

Direction to the cafe but not open at the time.

Some readings for the visitors at the park.

Putrajaya Wetland Park look out tower.

A bird looks like the crane flying high.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, was wondering. Do we need to pay fee to take photo? I read on the website that to take photos need to pay RM100/hour
