Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lata Kinjang Waterfall Perak Malaysia

Location : Lata Kinjang Waterfall Perak
GPS Coordinates : N4 18.017 E101 15.268

On my way back from Northern, decided to visit the biggest waterfall in Malaysia with the help of my GPS navigator. From the North using the North South Highway, the GPS will guide you using the Gopeng exit but the road is winding and quite far for my liking. It will be better to use the Tapah exit from the highway to get to the waterfalls as the journey will be shorter from the toll.

Welcome to Lata Kinjang Perak.

Small streams flowing from other side of the waterfall.

The path will lead to the higher level of the waterfall. Did not managed to go higher as was already too late and scare scare of the dark.

White river.

Good place to collect nice river stones.

The water feel very cold especially after a rain.

Zoom on the higher part of the waterfall.

1 comment:

  1. wow bie2...the waterfall looks beautiful yet fun looking at the photoes..hihi..must be cooling there..
